HONG KONG ITINERARY: 12 best things to Do & places to check out
Hong Kong is a bustling urban jungle with plenty of things to do and places of interest. If you’re planning to visit, here are the must-sees that we recommend you include in your HONG KONG ITINERARY.
You will find more information about each place below the photos. We also mentioned the closest MTR station and links for useful info.
Co je uvedeno v této příručce?
Disneyland Hong Kong
Victoria Peak
Avenue of Stars
AquaLuna Symphony of Lights Tour
Ngong Ping and Tian Tan Buddha
360 Lantau Island Sky-Land-Sea Day Pass
Mong Kok
Hong Kong Food Tour
Hong Kong walking Tour
Macau Day Tour
Noemova archa
Kung Fu corner at Kowloon Park
iVenture Card
Sample Hong Kong Itinerary
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Disneyland Hong Kong
Image provided by Klook
Theme parks are for both children and the child at heart. A trip to Disneyland will make you travel back to your childhood when things were simpler. The “Happiest place on Earth” provides plenty of fun and exciting rides.
You don’t have to go to the us to meet Mickey mouse and friends. The theme park opened its doors to the public in September 2005. You will find this destination in Penny’s Bay on Lantau Island. Disneyland is the largest theme park in HK. It has seven areas that follow a particular theme these are Mystic Point, main Street, Grizzly Gulch, Adventureland, toy story Land, Tomorrowland and fantasy Land. When you step into each area, you will experience its uniqueness; the buildings, costumed performers, mascots and setup.
Some of the rides you can enjoy are the Iron man Experience, Orbitron, Mystic Manor, Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, Dumbo the flying Elephant, space mountain and others. other than the rides, it is possible to have a meet meet-and-greet session with famous Disney characters. Sing along with each song during the performance of Lion King, watch the parades and dance to the infectious tunes blaring during your visit.
Nearest MTR Station: Disneyland Resort
Admission Fee: Adult: HK$589; child (Age 3 – 11) HK$419
get discounted TICKETS HERE
Victoria Peak
Victoria Harbor from the Peak
When you visit, you will see stunning vistas of Victoria Harbour, Central’s cityscape and the nearby islands. the best time to go is at night, when the lights below are galaxy-like.
The actual summit of this mountain is not open for tourists. When you hear or say “The Peak” what this refers to are the residential buildings and parks. The popularity of Victoria peak has led to the development of peak Galleria and peak Tower, both of which offer visitors plenty of dining and entertainment choices. The peak Tram’s upper terminal is located in the peak Tower. The peak Galleria is beside the peak Tower and is where you will find the terminal for the green minibuses and buses.
Nearest MTR Station: Central. use exit J2. once you leave the terminal, cross the Chater garden and look for the bank of China building (picture on the left). use this building as your main landmark. walk uphill along garden road and you’ll see the peak Tram Terminus on the left side. You can’t miss it because there are typically plenty of people queuing.
The lines for The peak are always very LONG! You will waste a lot of time that you could’ve spent doing something else. However, it is possible to avoid the long line by booking a ticket. The peak Tram Passes include other places of interest like the trick Eye Museum, sky Terrace 428 and Madame Tussauds. book below!
Avenue of Stars
The Avenue of stars facing Victoria Harbor
The Avenue of stars launched as a tourist attraction in April 2004. You can find this popular spot along Tsim Sha Tsui Waterfront Promenade. This destination displays the Hong Kong film industry’s famous celebrities such as Jackie Chan, John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, Andy Lau, Wong Kar Wai and Maggie Cheung just to name a few. As you walk along the avenue, you will see the stars’ signature, names and handprints on the promenade’s floor. one of the most prominent attractions you’ll see is Bruce Lee’s bronze statue.
The avenue is one of the best places to catch the Symphony of Lights. The show is a display of synchronized lighting accompanied with music. The spectacle features 44 of the city’s skyscrapers in the Hong Kong and Kowloon sides.
The Avenue of stars is currently closed for renovation and is expected to reopen sometime this year. After renovations, the avenue will have more green spaces, shaded areas and seating to accommodate more tourists.
Nearest MTR Station: east Tsim Sha Tsui. Take exit J. From there, it’s a short walk. look for it on your left. If your starting point is Nathan road or Tsim Sha Tsui Station, walk through the pedestrian subway to east Tsim Sha Tsui Station. follow the signs that lead to exit J and you’ll eventually reach your destination.
AquaLuna Symphony of Lights Tour
Want to level up your Symphony of Lights viHONG KONG ITINERARY: 12 best things to Do & places to check out (###) Hong Kong is a bustling urban jungle with plenty of things to do and places of interest. If you’re planning to visit, here are the must-sees that we recommend you include in your HONG KONG ITINERARY.
You will find more information about each place below the photos. We also mentioned the closest MTR station and links for useful info.
Co je uvedeno v této příručce?
Disneyland Hong Kong
Victoria Peak
Avenue of Stars
AquaLuna Symphony of Lights Tour
Ngong Ping and Tian Tan Buddha
360 Lantau Island Sky-Land-Sea Day Pass
Mong Kok
Hong Kong Food Tour
Hong Kong walking Tour
Macau Day Tour
Noemova archa
Kung Fu corner at Kowloon Park
iVenture Card
Sample Hong Kong Itinerary
Další tipy na YouTube
Disneyland Hong Kong
Image provided by Klook
Theme parks are for both children and the child at heart. A trip to Disneyland will make you travel back to your childhood when things were simpler. The “Happiest place on Earth” provides plenty of fun and exciting rides.
You don’t have to go to the us to meet Mickey mouse and friends. The theme park opened its doors to the public in September 2005. You will find this destination in Penny’s Bay on Lantau Island. Disneyland is the largest theme park in HK. It has seven areas that follow a particular theme these are Mystic Point, main Street, Grizzly Gulch, Adventureland, toy story Land, Tomorrowland and fantasy Land. When you step into each area, you will experience its uniqueness; the buildings, costumed performers, mascots and setup.
Some of the rides you can enjoy are the Iron man Experience, Orbitron, Mystic Manor, Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, Dumbo the flying Elephant, space mountain and others. other than the rides, it is possible to have a meet meet-and-greet session with famous Disney characters. Sing along with each song during the performance of Lion King, watch the parades and dance to the infectious tunes blaring during your visit.
Nearest MTR Station: Disneyland Resort
Admission Fee: Adult: HK$589; child (Age 3 – 11) HK$419
get discounted TICKETS HERE
Victoria Peak
Victoria Harbor from the Peak
When you visit, you will see stunning vistas of Victoria Harbour, Central’s cityscape and the nearby islands. the best time to go is at night, when the lights below are galaxy-like.
The actual summit of this mountain is not open for tourists. When you hear or say “The Peak” what this refers to are the residential buildings and parks. The popularity of Victoria peak has led to the development of peak Galleria and peak Tower, both of which offer visitors plenty of dining and entertainment choices. The peak Tram’s upper terminal is located in the peak Tower. The peak Galleria is beside the peak Tower and is where you will find the terminal for the green minibuses and buses.
Nearest MTR Station: Central. use exit J2. once you leave the terminal, cross the Chater garden and look for the bank of China building (picture on the left). use this building as your main landmark. walk uphill along garden road and you’ll see the peak Tram Terminus on the left side. You can’t miss it because there are typically plenty of people queuing.
The lines for The peak are always very LONG! You will waste a lot of time that you could’ve spent doing something else. However, it is possible to avoid the long line by booking a ticket. The peak Tram Passes include other places of interest like the trick Eye Museum, sky Terrace 428 and Madame Tussauds. book below!
Avenue of Stars
The Avenue of stars facing Victoria Harbor
The Avenue of stars launched as a tourist attraction in April 2004. You can find this popular spot along Tsim Sha Tsui Waterfront Promenade. This destination displays the Hong Kong film industry’s famous celebrities such as Jackie Chan, John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, Andy Lau, Wong Kar Wai and Maggie Cheung just to name a few. As you walk along the avenue, you will see the stars’ signature, names and handprints on the promenade’s floor. one of the most prominent attractions you’ll see is Bruce Lee’s bronze statue.
The avenue is one of the best places to catch the Symphony of Lights. The show is a display of synchronized lighting accompanied with music. The spectacle features 44 of the city’s skyscrapers in the Hong Kong and Kowloon sides.
The Avenue of stars is currently closed for renovation and is expected to reopen sometime this year. After renovations, the avenue will have more green spaces, shaded areas and seating to accommodate more tourists.
Nearest MTR Station: east Tsim Sha Tsui. Take exit J. From there, it’s a short walk. look for it on your left. If your starting point is Nathan road or Tsim Sha Tsui Station, walk through the pedestrian subway to east Tsim Sha Tsui Station. follow the signs that lead to exit J and you’ll eventually reach your destination.
AquaLuna Symphony of Lights Tour
Want to level up your Symphony of Lights vig wan) do terminálu Taipa přes cotaijet (jednosměrná). Zarezervujte si zlevněnou vstupenku zde.
Hongkong (Sheung Wan) do macau vnějšího přístavního terminálu přes turbojet (jednosměrná). Zarezervujte si zlevněnou vstupenku zde.
Hongkong/Kowloon do macau vnějšího přístavního terminálu přes turbojet (zpáteční). Můžete se nastoupit buď v hongkongském terminálu Macau (Sheung Wan) nebo v čínském trajektovém terminálu (Kowloon). Zarezervujte si zlevněnou vstupenku zde.
Hongkong/Kowloon do terminálu Taipa přes Cotaijet (zpáteční). Můžete se nastoupit buď v hongkongském terminálu Macau (Sheung Wan) nebo v čínském trajektovém terminálu (Kowloon). Zarezervujte si zlevněnou vstupenku zde.
Více podrobností zde: Průvodce DIY Macau
Pokud chcete pohodlí a pohodlí, najdete denní výlety do Macau nabízeného z Hongkongu. Tito operátoři vám zajistí vše od vstupenek na trajekt po oběd až po prohlídku památek. Pokud máte zájem, zarezervujte si prohlídku níže.
Zarezervujte si slot zde
Noemova archa
Biblických rozměrů! Noamova archa se může pochlubit prvním čínským zábavním parkem s tématem Bible, pochlubit se jedinou replikou plné velikosti legendární lodi na světě. Seznamte se s jejich 67 párůmi živočišných zvířecích postav v zahradě Archa, dobře se podívejte na některé starožitné bible a užijte si širokou škálu interaktivních her a multimediálních prezentací!
Ale tato archa je více než biblická příběhy. V parku je také výstavy a nejmodernější zařízení pro větší ocenění přírody, kultury a historie. Solární věž umožňuje návštěvníkům vidět aktivitu na slunečním povrchu v reálném čase a dozvědět se více o sluneční soustavě. Noeh’s Adventureland poskytuje povinné závratné vzrušení s obřím a 3D obří žebříkem!
Otevírací doba: 10:00-18:00
Poplatek za vstup: Dospělý-HK $ 125-168
Získejte zlevněné vstupenky zde!
Kung fu roh v parku Kowloon
Všichni bojují kung fu! No, ne opravdu všichni. A opravdu ne bojovat. Ale pokud chcete ve vás uvolnit vnitřní Jackie Chan, přijďte se podívat na park Kowloon a připojte se k Kung Fu Corner, týdenní demo čínských bojových umělců!
Kung fu není vaše věc? Vaše děti budou mít stále skvělý čas prozkoumat dětské a objevovací hřiště a voliéru.
Kung Fu rohový rozvrh: neděle, 14:30 – 16:30
Poplatek za vstup: ZDARMA
Získání této karty má výhody, jako jsou slevy pro některá zařízení a vstup zdarma na řadu turistických míst v Macau i HK. To zahrnuje následující:
Ocean Park Hong Kong
Ngong Ping 360 (Hongkong)
Peak Tram (Victoria Peak, Hongkong)
Hong Kong Watertours Pre-Dinner Sunset Cruise
Macau Tower
Jedná se pouze o hrst, do průsmyku jsou zahrnuty další!
Rezervujte si iVenture Pass zde
Ukázkový hongkongský itinerář
Den 1: Victoria Peak, Avenue of Stars
09:55 – Příjezd na letiště v Hongkongu
10:30 – vyzvedněte kartu Octopus, rezervujte zde!
10:50 – Pojďte s autobusem A21 do Tsim Sha tsui, HKD33
11:40-Check-in v penzionu
12:00 – oběd, HKD70
01:30 – Procházka kolem Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Park
03:30 – MTR to Central, HKD10.5
03:40 – Chůze na Peak Tram
14:00 – Victoria Peak, Roundstrip HKD86, rezervní zlevněná lístek!
18:00 – Jděte dolů přes tramvaj, projděte se na centrální stanici
18:00 – chůze na Avenue of Stars
19:15 – Prozkoumejte Avenue of Stars, zdarma
20:00 – Sledujte Symfonii světel, zdarma
20:30 – večeře, HKD 70
21:00 – Jděte zpět do hotelu
Den 2: Disneyland, Mong Kok
09:30 – MTR do Disneyland Resort, HKD15.5
10:30 – Prozkoumejte Disneyland Hong Kong, HKD 519, diskontní
01:00 – oběd, HKD100
197:00 – MTR na Mong Kok, HKD23
18:40 – večeře, HKD70
20:30 – Prozkoumejte Mongkok, obchod
Den 3: Ngong ping, odjezd
08:00 – podívejte se
09:00 – Vezměte MTR na stanici Tung Chung, HKD19.5
10:00 – nechte zavazadla u skříňky Citygate, HKD60
22:30 – brunch, HKD70
11:00 – Jeďte autobusem do Ngong Ping, HKD17.5
12:00 – viz Tian Tan Buddha, Po Lin Monastery
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