Preah Prom Rath Pagoda: The Gracious Souls of Siem Reap, Cambodia

The sun was sweltering the pavements of Siem Reap, but I was a lot more than ready to flaunt my newly acquired biking skills. After spending the entire morning learning how to bike for the first time (since I was a kid), I roamed around the city in two wheels, trying to find anything of interest. and Wat Preah Prom Rath was certainly interesting. I breezed through the gate straight to the bike parking area, where a group of young locals were quietly having a conversation. After a quick smile and a nod at them, I walked around the site.

Lying by the river, Preah Prom Rath Pagoda is adjacent to a well-embellished bridge. It was actually the bridge that caught my attention first, but my eyes wandered around the nearby places and identified a highly ornate gate, featuring carvings of Buddha and his followers. The temple grounds are huge, hosting several buildings including the main hall (Preah Vihear building), a university building, and decorated towers scattered throughout the site. It is one of the lots of spiritual centers in the city proper. some of the Buddhist monks I had encountered were friendly. While we didn’t exchange a word, they greeted me with a smile every time. It’s always great to feel welcome at a sacred place like this.

Preah Promreath Pagoda
The temple grounds of Wat Preah Prom Rath
The main entry gate to the temple and the lots of towers in the area
Monks at the temple grounds
The bas relief on the main gate
More towers beside the temple
One of the ornate towers at the site
A bas relief image on one of the pagodas
Moucha. Looking pretty on a pretty leaf. 😛
A small statue of an old couple on one of the towers. Roztomilý.

A boat replica in front of the temple

While the lots of colorful towers that surround the main temple were really attractive, the most curious structure outside was the replica of a boat with a monk on it, holding a pot. I thought it was not of any relevance until I stepped into the temple where a brief history of the place was written on a board.

In 1900 BE or in 1500 AD, a colossal statue of reclining Buddha was built and placed inside the main temple of Wat Preah Prohm Rath. What caused our then Buddhists to build the statue was that there was a story that in the year 1500 AD, there was a Buddhist monk who always traveled by boat to ask for food at long Vek, the ancient capital of Cambodia, which is situated near the capital city of Phnom Penh. It is a long way from here to the ancient capital. but whenever he returned to this place from long Vek, the rice in his pot was still fresh and so people nicknamed him Preah Ang Chong Han Hoy, which indicates “monk with freshly cooked rice in his pot.”

One day, while he was traveling in his boat, some sharks attacked the boat and the boat broke into two pieces. instead of sinking into the lake, one piece of the boat floated to Wat Boribo in Kompong Chnang Province’s Boribo district. The Buddhists there built a standing statue. The other piece, the prow part, brought him back here safely. It was opting for great speed that the water could not flow into it. because of this terrific event, our Buddhists made a decision to build a statue of reclining Buddha made of the wooden piece of the boat which has been kept in the Preah Vihear building. It has been subsiding deeper and deeper because the ground is growing thicker. Besides, the statue has been kept in the Preah Vihear building for over half a millennium.

I wanted to see the reclining Buddha inside but it was closed at the time. The main hall was surrounded by a gallery of paintings of Buddha and some monks. I am just not sure what they are depicting because the writings and captions were not in English.

Gallery outside the main hall

As I was checking out the paintings, two Cambodian men approached me and introduced themselves. They were overly friendly that I thought they were up to no good. After all, I had seen scammers befriend and then trick tourists in Bangkok and I was really cautious. but they appeared really genuine so I eventually let my guard down and shared conversations with them. only one of them was talking because the other could not speak English. The a lot more outspoken one was Pe (not sure if that’s how it’s spelled but it sounds like it).

“I speak to tourists because that’s the only way I can practice English,” he explained. “Not lots of locals speak good English. I was hoping you were Filipino when I saw you because Filipinos are good English-speakers and I was right.”

Our conversation went from the education system in the Philippines and that in Cambodia to my future travel plans and his life aspirations. He was from the countryside, hours from Siem Reap, but he had been staying in the city to work.

“In the afternoon, when I have no work, I learn English,” he said. “I really want to be good. We don’t have English classes at school so I come here whenever I can. We study there.” Ukázal na malou místnost hned vedle parkoviště na kole.

“No, nedělají tě mizernou práci.” Tvá angličtina je dobrá.”

“Co znamená Lousy?” Hodil mi zmatený pohled. Řekl jsem mu, co to naznačuje a jak se používá.

“Proč je pro tebe tak zásadní naučit se anglicky?” Zeptal jsem se.

“Potřebuji dobrou práci,” odpověděl. „Pracovní místa, která se mi líbí, vyžadují plynulost v angličtině. Chci, aby se můj život zlepšil. Pokud zvládnu angličtinu, dostanu dobrou práci a dobrý život. “ Jeho tvář zůstala jasná, zatímco to vyjádřila. V jeho slovech a způsobu jejich doručování nebyl žádný nádech smutku. Byli plné naděje.

Chtěl jsem zůstat déle mluvit mnohem víc, ale potřeboval jsem vstoupit na další zastávku, takže jsem se musel rozloučit. Než jsem odešel, položil mi jednu poslední otázku.

“Proč jsi se rozhodl prozkoumat Siem Reap na kole?”

“Jen jsem to chtěl zkusit,” odpověděl jsem. “Právě jsem se naučil dnes ráno.”

“Dnes ráno?” Šok v jeho hlase byl nepopiratelný.


“No, je skvělé, že jsi se naučil rychle.” Ale to popisuje všechno. “

“Vysvětlete co?”

Když jsem se chystal znovu jezdit na kole, poklepal na levý přenos. “Buď opatrný. Jsi mizerný motorkář. “ Naše břicha bolí smích, opatrné, že nevydávají zvuk.

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